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Get Done By Itself ! |
EPGateway - Customized Solutions |
EPGateway - Customized Solutions
As much as we might try to make our programs as versatile as possible, there will always be something user need to complete their own specific requirements. It is a widely acceptable philosophy that any off the shelf product is most likely only 80 to 90 percent solution.
To meet the specific needs you might have we offer our development services to create customized versions of the program at very competitive cost. Using the EPGateway program as the core package we can easily add functionality to meet your needs.
So let us know what your specific needs are. We are always interested in the users requirements and would very much appreciate the chance to meet those needs.
If you have specific requirements or have suggestion on improvements simply send an email message to our support group or call us and we will be glad to discuss your needs and see if we can find a solution.
Email: EPGateway Support
Copyright © 2009 CypressTree Solutions
P.O. Box 40846, Bakersfield, CA 93384 (661) 374-3102