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Message Parse Email Processor
Online Manual

Output Properties

Output Properties

This screen is used to setup how and where you want to write the data. Message Parse can write to delimited text file or Access database. The bottom portion of the screen changes depending on which output type is selected.

1Output Type

Output Type
In this field you select the type of output file you want to write the extracted data to. Here we have selected to write a text file. The fields below are the available options for a text file.

2File Name

File Name
Here you enter the path and file name of the file to be written. If the file exists the data is appended to the end of the file. If the file does not exist it is created. Then the data is appended to the end of the file.

3Browse Button

Browse Button
Use this button to select the path and file from the Windows browse dialog. Once a file is selected the path is automatically inputted into the File Name text box.

4Delimiter Type

Delimiter Type
For a text file you can select from three choices for the delimiter. A delimiter is the character to be used to separate the data fields. Your choices are comma, tab, and space character. Most common selection is a comma.

5Available Variables

Available Variables
In this list will be all the variables that have been defined. You select from this list which of the variables are to be included in the output record. Select the variable and click the add button to move the variable from this list to the output list.

6Add Button

Add Button
Click this button to move the selected "Available" variables to the output list.

7Add All Button

Add All Button
Use this button to quickly move all available variables to the output list.

8Remove Button

Remove Button
Click this button to move the selected output variables back to the available list if you do not want the variables included in the output record.

9Remove All Button

Remove All Button
This button allows you to move all output variables to the available list with a single click.

10Allow Duplicates

Allow Duplicates
A check here allow duplicate records to be written to the output file. If the box is unchecked the program will ignore any record that is already in the output file.

11Move Up

Move Up
Use this button to move the selected variable up in the output list.

12Move Down

Move Down
Use this button to move the selected variable in the output list down in list.

13Output List

Output List
This list represents which variables will be included in the output record. The order in which the variables appear is the order they are position in the record string. To reposition a variable select in the list and then use the Up or Down buttons.

14Record View

Record View
The record view text box shows what the record will look like base on the order of the output list and delimiter selected.


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