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Message Parse Email Processor
Online Manual

ActiveX Scripting Options

ActiveX Scripting Options

Message Parse allows you to extend the parsing capabilities by use ActiveX Scripting. This is an advance feature that requires knowledge of how to use ActiveX Scripting. This window allows you to set options that pertain to using the scripting feature.

1Menu Option

Menu Option
You bring up this window by first clicking the "Program Options" Section header. Then select the "ActiveX Scripting" menu item.

2Save Changes Button

Save Changes Button
When you make changes to the general or ActiveX options this save change button is enabled. You can click this button anytime to save changes already made. If this button is enabled and you select to leave the current screen the program will ask you whether or not you want to save changes.

3Use ActiveX Scripting

Use ActiveX Scripting
Check this checkbox if you want to use ActiveX Scripting. Unchecked the program will not load the ActiveX Scripting controls.

4ActiveX Language

ActiveX Language
In this text box you enter the type of scripting language you are using. For example VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, etc. Any language that supports the ActiveX scripting technology can be used.

5File Extension

File Extension
In this box you would enter the file extension you are using for your scripting files. For example if you save your files as text enter "txt". If you use the visual basic scripting extension you would enter "vbs". This value tells Message Parse what files to read from the scripting directory.

6Script File Path

Script File Path
Message Parse allows you to save your script files on any connected drive. You use this text box to enter any valid drive path. By default script files are saved in a sub folder called "Scripts".

7Browse Button

Browse Button
The Browse button allows you to bring up a Windows dialog so that you can select the template path from folders on your machine. By selecting a folder path the Template File Path text box is automatically filled with your selection.


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